Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

"I" flag rules rounding the ends

Trisha McElroy
  • Measurer in Training
  • Club Race Officer
  • Regional Judge
If a boat is above the start line on the starboard side of the signal, (committee boat), one minute before the start, can they come down and pass stern of the RC boat and cross the start line? Do they have to cross start line then round an end then start?  When it says the starting line and it's extensions can they just dip back from an extension and then go for the line??
Created: 24-Jun-18 05:40


Satish Kumar Kanwar
Nationality: India
  • International Judge
  • International Race Officer
30.1. I Flag Rule
If flag I has been displayed, and any part of a boat's hull is on the course side of the starting line or one of its extensions during the last minute before her starting signal, she shall sail across an extension so that her hull is completely on the pre-start side before she starts.

Yes, the boat can come down the extension and pass astern of the RC boat and start.
Created: 24-Jun-18 06:15
Peter van Muyden
  • International Race Officer
The diagram below shows another way to start correctly after violating RRS 30.1.  Assume that at position 2 is within the last minute before the start.
Created: 24-Jun-18 06:36
Lorenz Buchler
  • Regional Judge
  • International Race Officer
  • Regional Race Officer
  • National Race Officer
My comment does not answer your question ;-) please note that World Sailing very much discourages the use of the I flag because
a) it contributes to a sagging starting line (not the line itself but the boats lining up…) since
b) the penalty for a boat crossing the line early in the middle of the line is far more severe than for a boat starting early at one end of the starting line. 
Created: 24-Jun-18 07:20
Matt Bounds
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Race Officer
While World Sailing does discourage the use of the "I" flag starting penalty, there are situations where its use is appropriate:
  • A short starting line (<150 meters) with a small fleet.
  • When the class wants it used (like the Tartan 10 class). Know your customer!
  • Club events where the "U" flag penalty is perceived to be too harsh. (Many club racers do not know how the "Z" flag penalty works.)
Created: 24-Jun-18 15:59
Jerry Thompson
  • National Judge
  • Umpire In Training
  • Regional Race Officer
And in the US, college and high school procedural rules invoke the I flag starting penalty following a general recall.
Created: 24-Jun-18 16:32
Lorenz Buchler
  • Regional Judge
  • International Race Officer
  • Regional Race Officer
  • National Race Officer
Well, at least I have the answer to the question why World Sailing doesn’t throw out I and Z altogether if ‚no one‘ uses them :-)
Created: 24-Jun-18 17:55
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