Shared Work Area and Hearing Notes

During a hearing, the panel members who are not the scribe can see the Facts Found, Conclusion and Decision being drafted in real time. Edits made on the decision appear on the Shared Work Area as they are written. This allows the panel to communicate more effectively in composing the Decision. A judge can also use the Notes section to keep their own notes on the hearing. Each judge has his own work area for his/her notes and they are then stored with that decision.

You will find a link to the Shared Work Area and Notes section on the list of decisions, click on the icon.

The Shared Work Area displays the contents of the Decision as it is being written. Only the scribe can make edits, but each judge on the panel (or associated with the event) can watch the decision as it is being written. Instead of the scribe reading the Decision to the panel in deliberation, the panel can see the decision and collaborate in real time. And the Chief Judge can review a Decision from outside the room as it is being written.

The Notes area is private and unique to each judge. You can safely enter notes here that are saved with the Decision, but are private to the jury.

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