Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

A Gift for Christmas

Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
For those of you who celebrate Christmas, has a gift for you [and for those you who don't, we still have a gift for you].  We have added the World Sailing Judges Manual to the site.  This has been needed for a while, but thanks to Angelo Guarino, we now have that available.  It is on the RRS menu.  Our members also have access to the links between the manual and the rules, cases and regulations.  This will allow you to immediately find the relevant portion of the manual from the rules, just like we've done with cases and Q&As.  This was no small endeavor as you can imagine, but the Patrons of give us the ability make this kind of resource available to everyone.  Please become a Patron and help support our efforts.  And Merry Christmas to all our members.

merry_christmas.png 158 KB

Created: 19-Dec-23 23:01


Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
That’s a kind mention Paul, but I only lent a hand.  You know what they say. .... it takes a village to raise a racing-forum. :-)

What you’ve built here is really, really special and so very helpful.
Created: 19-Dec-24 02:57
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Quick additional Notes about the newly uploaded WS-IJM pages:
  1. Obviously this is newly entered, so please send any suggested corrections to  The data-entry and linking was fast-n-furious, so there are bound to be some errors.
  2. I think we got all the internal rule/case links WITHIN the WS-IJM pages, but it will take some time to make the links FROM the RRS/Case pages TO the WS-IJM pages, but they will start showing up here shortly.

For a peak at what that will look like, check out  Conflict of Interest  (you will need to be signed-in to see what I'm referring to).
Created: 19-Dec-26 19:20
Claudio Uras
  • Regional Umpire
  • Regional Race Officer
  • International Judge
Thank you Paul and Angelo, this is a great gift! Well done!
Created: 19-Dec-26 19:41
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Unlike the Case Book and Appeals, the WSJM is not indexed by Rule.  Therefore, it would be great if you help us make some of these links.

If you are looking into a rule and then find a reference in the WSJM section that helped you out, please take a moment to send the suggested linked sections to

A quick sentence including the RRS # and the WSJM # will do. 

Thanks for the help. 

Created: 20-Jan-08 13:15
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