Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

US Sailing Judges Manual 2017-2020 (14th Edition) is Released to US Sailing Website

Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
Looks like it might have been up there several weeks now.  Here it is on the US Sailing Website:
Created: 19-Jun-06 18:41


Clark Chapin
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • Club Race Officer
There is an error on page 84 (page 96 of the pdf) in the sample rule 69 notification letter. The text of the letter was not updated to reflect the 2017-2020 rules. The third paragraph says:
“If you are found to have committed these allegations, the protest committee can, under rule 69.2(h), issue a warning or disqualify you from one or more races of the regatta. If the protest committee penalizes you, US Sailing and the World Sailing Federation (World Sailing) will be notified and may suspend your eligibility to compete in sailing under rule 69.3”

I contacted the US Sailing office and the Judges Committee a week ago. Within a day, they provided me with replacement language, although I have not seen a more widespread communication to US judges::
"If you are found to have broken rule 69.1(a), the protest committee may, under rule 69.2(h), issue a warning, disqualify you from one or more races of the regatta or take other actions described in rule 69.2(h)(3) and (4). You are strongly advised to review rule 69, with particular attention to rule 69.2(j), which describes the conditions under which your national authority and the World Sailing Federation (World Sailing) will be notified and may suspend your eligibility to compete in sailing under rule 69.3."

Clark Chapin
Created: 19-Jun-06 19:27
John Allan
Nationality: Australia
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
Can someone highlight how the US Sailing JM differs from the WS JM please?

Is it likely to be useful outside the USA?
Created: 19-Jun-10 22:24
Clark Chapin
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • Club Race Officer
Perhaps not, but the point is that some errors crept into the Manual during the latest revision in the most sensitive spot: Misconduct.
Thanks to Al Gore's interweb :-) I have alternative sources to guide me in an upcoming rule 69 hearing.
Created: 19-Jun-10 22:34
Angelo Guarino
  • Regional Judge
  • Fleet Measurer
John, one area that jumped out to me when I first compared them is in the area of Arbitration, where the WSJM discusses the benefits of having the Arb sit on a follow-on jury, and the USJM directly discourages it. So there are items which are more of a matter of style like that. 

Also, there are items which assume the USS prescriptions are in place, such as USS prescriptions to RRS 63.2 and the ramifications that has in terms of logistics and notice when dealing with protests that also request redress. 

Those are just a couple. It’s probably worth a read through to see if there are any ideas worth gleaning for those outside the US. - Ang
Created: 19-Jun-11 01:24
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