Forum: Event Management System (Q's, Comments & Suggestions)

Question on deleting scoring enquiries

John Standley
  • International Judge
I am at an event in Malaysia.
We have had 4 scoring enquiries submitted but only 3 (Numbers 2,3 and 4) still show on the event page. Enquiry 1 has been deleted.
I see on the scoring enquiry system there is a facility to click on the x to delete the scoring enquiry.
How does one establish who deleted the original enquiry and if they were authorised to do so?
How can the jury monitor that all enquiries have been properly dealt with if they can be easily deleted?
Created: 24-Jun-22 08:11


Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
The competitor and regatta officials have authority to delete a scoring inquiry.  There currently is no audit trail to track who may have deleted it. 
Created: 24-Jun-22 08:16
Craig Evans
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
  • National Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
It may also depend on the way the event has been set up on RRS? Perhaps get the editor to check the settings?
Created: 24-Jun-22 08:29
Graham Louth
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Regional Umpire
  • International Judge
  • National Race Officer
Is it really the Jury's role to monitor the handling of scoring enquiries? Shouldn't they just deal with any requests for redress they receive about alleged scoring errors? (At which point yes, they might want to know who had deleted a scoring enquiry, but at that point it would surely be for the Race Committee to provide that information?)
Created: 24-Jun-22 13:40
John Standley
  • International Judge
Thanks for the comments.
This is the first time I have been at an event that used the system, and I was surprised to see how easy it was for documents to be deleted.
Personally, I would prefer that, once a document has been submitted, it should remain in the system until resolved, which may be by withdrawal. Any withdrawal should give a reason and then all would know it had been handled. I don't think it should just disappear.
To Graham -No it is not for the Jury to handle scoring enquiries and they shouldn't. However, I think it is helpful to the event overall if there is an informal check to ensure all competitor raised queries are properly answered. 
Created: 24-Jun-22 23:18
Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
We have added a soft delete to scoring inquiries.  They are removed from the view when deleted, but officials can view all the deleted requests and restore them if needed.  You can also see who deleted the request by hovering over the restore button.
Created: 24-Jul-04 07:47
John Standley
  • International Judge
Excellent. Thank you.
Created: 24-Jul-04 08:14
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