Forum: Event Management System


Qcyc Rrsorgadmin
Nationality: Canada
QCYC is using for its events. This includes registration. As there a number of events, an individual could be a competitor in one event and official in another. However, the radio buttons in the profile only allow selection of one or the other? What is the best way to handle this so we can grant officials access to their userid for specific events and they can register as a competitor for other events with the same userid. 
Created: 24-Jun-12 14:47


Paul Zupan
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
The general role of official encompases the role of competitor.  The only difference is that an individual indicating they are an official have the additional attributes of an official associated with their user ID.  Any individual logged in can sign up as a competitor for an event, and they will only have access to the public portions of that event unless they are given a role on the Event Panel for that specific event.  So you don't need to change the way you're setting up events or assigning roles for an event.  Also, there are situations where an individual is both a competitor and an official for an event (a competitor and sits on the protest committee for example).  Again, nothing changes except that individual has access to the Event Panel as well as the public pages.  
Created: 24-Jun-12 15:38
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