Forum: Event Management System

Does "Schedule" fullfil RRS S.13.3 ?

Tom Björkholm
Nationality: Sweden
  • National Race Officer
  • National Umpire
  • National Judge
RRS S.13.3 states "Notices will be posted ... to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties...".
Unfortunately the word "Notices" in this rule is translated to Swedish using words that are closer to "Call to protest hearings" ("Kallelse till protestförhandling").
Due to this some Swedish people have pointed out that the "schedule" is not a "Call to", and that sailors only need to look at the "Schedule" tab after they have been mentioned in a "Call to protest hearing" posted on the official notice board.

Naturally, non-Swedes cannot offer advice on the Swedish translation of RRS - but you can offer you opinion if "Schedule" tab meets the requirements of the original English wording of RRS S.13.3. 

What is your opinion? Any native English speaker that feels there is a need for a separate notice to meet RRS S.13.3? Or do you all feel that the "Schedule" tab is enough?

Created: 22-Aug-18 20:37


Benjamin Harding
  • International Judge
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Native English Speaker...:

To me its OK.

A notice is simply a 'notification or a warning'.  I don't think it needs to be direct or in any specific form.  So long as it does what it intends... in this case, 'notify or warn' the competitors of hearings in which they are parties....

The RRoS 'Hearing Schedule Page' does just that.  It has all the information as would be found on a 'physical board'.  If a sailor looked at it, it would notify them of the hearings they are involved in.

So yes, I think the contents of the Schedule tab contain enough to be considered 'notice'.

So to the question of whether the 'Schedule' tab is represented obviously enough as being part of the 'Official Notice Board', so that a competitor would visit that tab.

e.g. If you are not used to electronic jury management tools, you might not feel moved to click on the 'Schedule' tab, unless prompted by some other direct engagement to do so.  So, perhaps a clearer name ("Hearing Schedule"), or a more prominently positioned link could be added to the main notice board page to ensure that people visit the schedule.

However, I feel that coupled with the automatic email function (if enabled), this notification requirement is sufficiently served by the 'Schedule' tab.

Afterall, it is up to the competitor to look at ALL areas of the 'Official Notice Board', whether electronic or physical.

Hope that helps!

Created: 22-Sep-01 09:36
Tom Björkholm
Nationality: Sweden
  • National Race Officer
  • National Umpire
  • National Judge
Thank you Benjamin. 

Your answer confirmed my own feeling that the "Schedule" is enough. 

I agree that "Hearing Schedule" would be a better (although longer) tab name than "Schedule". (When I first saw the tab name I though it was a schedule for starting races.)
I also agree that a competitor that has received the automatic email should be considered well notified regardless of heading on the notice board (but are all entered email addresses correct?).

Created: 22-Sep-01 19:48
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