Ora Cup Ora

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
16. 5 Protest Committee JUNIORES - ITA 9815
Rules: RRS 11, RRS 14, RRS 43.1(a).
ITA 9815 is DSQ in race 5.
ITA 3 is reinstated in his finishing position in race 5.

15. Protest by PC 5 Protest Committee JUNIORES - ITA 9773
The PC decided to protest ITA 9815 under RRS 60.3(a)(2), see new hearing 16.
The current hearing is closed under RRS 61.1(c).
The cases 10, 15 and new hearing 16 will be heard together.
14. Protest 5 Optimist - Pearl - Sui 1731 JUNIORES - ITA 8061
Rules: RRS 10
ITA 8061 is DSQ in race 5.
13. Protest 5 prova Ita 3 Ita 9773
Request Invalid
Rules: NoR 1.3, RRS 63.5
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5
12. Protest 1gold Optimist - Ita 3 JUNIORES
Request Invalid
Rules: NoR 1.3, RRS 63.5
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

11. Protest 6 JUNIORES - BEL 1248 JUNIORES - USA 22415
Rules: RRS 10
USA  22415 is DSQ in race 6.
10. Protest 5 JUNIORES - ITA 9802 JUNIORES - ITA 3
Rules: RRS 12, RRS 14, RRS 44.2
(ITA 3 is DSQ in race 5)
The PC decided to protest ITA 9773 under RRS 60.3(a)(2), see hearing 15.
The current hearing is closed under RRS 61.1(c).
The current hearing and new hearing 15 will be heard together.
09. Protest 3 Optimist - JUNIORES - BEL 1248 Optimist - Juniors - ITA9344
Request Invalid
Rules: NoR 1.3, RRS 63.58
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

08. Protest 4 Optimist - JUNIORES - BEL 1183 Optimist - JUNIORES - FRA 2463
Rules: RRS 10
FRA 2463 is DSQ in race 4.
07. Protest by PC 1 Protest Committee JUNIORES - TUR 9402
Heard With Protest(s): 01
Rules: RRS 10, RRS 20.2(b) and (c), 43.1(a)
TUR 9402 is DSQ in race 1.
06. Protest 1 JUNIORES - FRA 2463 JUNIORES - SUI 1784
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 63.5, RRS 61.3
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

05. Protest 1 JUNIORES - BEL 1210 JUNIORES - NED 3411
Rules: RRS 63.5, RRS 61.3
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

04. Protest 1 JUNIORES - SWE 4900
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 61.2(a), RRS 63.5
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

03. Protest 1 JUNIORES - BEL 1183 JUNIORES - GER 1353
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 61.3
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

02. Protest 1 JUNIORES - SUI 1967 JUNIORES - UKR 278
Rules: RRS 10, RRS 14
UKR 278 is DSQ in race 1.