DSMC Marine Sports Inter Clubs International Sailing Championship

Online Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
14. Protest by PC
    10 Protest Committee RS Zest - DMSC 9
    Rules: 11, 14, 60.3(a)(2)
    DMSC 9 is DSQ in Race 10
    13. 10 RS Zest - MAS 10 RS Zest - KAZ 3
    1. Protest by MAS 10 against KAZ 3 is dismissed.
    2. The jury will protest DMSC 9 with facts arising from this case under 60.3(a)(2)
    12. Protest 8 ILCA7 - SUD 8 ILCA7 - KAZ 213003
    Request Invalid
    Rules: RRS 61.3
    Protest Invalid.
    11. Protest 8 ILCA7 - SUD 8 ILCA7 - SRI 1
    Request Invalid
    Rules: RRS 61.3
    Protest Invalid
    10. 8 ILCA4 - KUW 8 ILCA4 - SRI 4
    Rules: RRS 28.1
    Protest dismissed.
    09. Protest 7 ILCA4 - KUW 8 ILCA4 - TUR 217538
    Protest dismissed.
    08. 4 Optimist - SRI 224 Optimist - TUR3510
    Heard With: 07
    07. 4 Optimist - SRI 224 Optimist - TUR 3510
    Optimist - TUR 3534
    Heard With Protest(s): 08
    Rules: RRS10, 19.2(b), 14, 43.1(c), 43.1(a), 61.3, 63.2
    TUR 3534 and TUR3510 is DSQ in race 4 

    06. 6 Optimist - QAT 33 Optimist - TUR 1300
    Protest dismissed

    05. 6 Optimist - QAT33 Optimist - 4
    Protest dismissed

    04. 4,5,6 Hobie 16 - 117649 Hobie 16 - 109099
    Rules: SI 18.1, SI 1.3.1
    Protest invalid

    03. 3 Hobie 16 - 117638 Hobie 16 - 102099
    Request Invalid
    Rules: SI18.1, RRS 63.1
     The protest committee allows the protest to be withdrawn. 

    02. 3 Hobie 16 - 117638 Hobie 16 - 109023
    Request Invalid
    Rules: SI18.1, RRS 63.3(b), RRS 63.5
     The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5 

    01. 2 ILCA7 - 5 ILCA7 - MAS 214989
    Request Invalid
    Rules: SI18.1, RRS63.5
     The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5