Impera Winter Regatta 2023

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
08. Request for Redress 6 420lady - FRA 57235 Race Committee
Rules: 63.1
Request for redress withdrawn
07. Protest 1 420lady - FRA 56505 420open - FRA 56217
Rules: 18.2(b)
FRA 56217 DSQ in race 5
06. Protest and Request for Redress 5 420open - Gold - POL 57083 420open - Gold - ITA 55344
Rules: 10 - 14
ITA 55344 and POL 57083 are DSQ in race 5.
Redress not given
05. Protest Final 3 (race 7) 420lady - FRA 57235 420open - ITA 56875
Rules: 10
ITA 56875 DSQ in race 7
04. Protest 6 420lady - ITA 57367 420open - ITA 56335
Rules: 63.1
Protest withdrawn

03. Request for Redress 2 470 - ITA 9 Protest Committee
Rules: 62.1(a), P4
Redress given to ITA 9. Rule 42 penalty cancelled.

02. Protest and Request for Redress 2 420 - 56708 420open - ITA 57369
Protest dismissed.
Redress not given.
01. Protest by PC 1 Protest Committee 420open - ITA 56729
420open - ITA 57364
420open - ITA 57074
420open - ITA 55423
420lady - ITA 57367
420open - ITA 57173
420lady - ITA 57073
420open - ITA 56267
420lady - ESP 57146
420lady - ESP 57018
420lady - ESP 56709
420lady - ITA 57242
420open - ITA 56901
420open - ITA 57375
Support Person - Pietro Canepa
Support Person - David Wehrle
Support Person - Bjorn Glawe
Support Person - Antonaz Matuaz
Support Person - Carlos de Magua
Support Person - Muzio Scacciati
Support Person - Daniele Catalani
Support Person - Antonio Tamburin
420open - GER 57412
420open - ITA 57245
420open - ITA 57039
420open - ITA 57046
420open - ITA 57372
420open - ITA 57244
470 - ITA 111
470 - ITA 5
420open - ESP 55249
420open - ESP 55980
420open - ITA 57376
420open - ITA 57375
470 - ITA 28
420open - ITA 55433
470 - GER 22
470 - GER 49
420open - ITA 57283
420open - ITA 57254
470 - ITA 70
Rules: 60.3(d), 64.5, SI 23.2, SI 23.4, SI 23.5
Support persons Antonaz Matjaz, Daniel Wehrle, Bjorn Glawe, Carlos de Magua, Daniele Catalani, Antonio Tamburin, Muzio Scacciati, Bruno Valenti, Pietro Canepa are given a warning.
Supported boats are warned that a penalty may be imposed if their support person commits a further breach of any rule.