37^Mediterranean cup

Online Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
04. Reopening by PC 6 Protest Committee Optimist - ITA 9692
Heard With: 01
03. Reopening by PC 6 Protest Committee Optimist - ITA 9692
Heard With: 01
02. Request to Reopen 6 Optimist - A - Ita9449 Support Person - Paolo Mariotti
Optimist - A - ITA9692
Request Invalid
01. Protest 6 Optimist - A - ITA 9692 - 1326402 Optimist - A - ITA 9449 - 1262238
Heard With Protest(s): 03, 04
Rules: RRS 12, 14, 43.1 (a)
ITA 9449 DSQ nella prova n°6.