470 Class Open European Trophy & Master's Cup

Online Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
07. Request to Reopen 7 470 - Great Grand Master - ITA 17 - 19 470 - Open - BEL 12 - 29
Request to reopen dismissed.
06. Protest 8 470 - Great Grand Master - FRA 68 - 31 470 - Juniores - ITA 16 - 16
470 - Juniores - ITA 23 - 13
Rules: 12 - 14
ITA 23 is DSQ in Race 8
05. Protest 8 470 - Master - GER 48 - 48 470 - Grand Master - ITA 70 - 12
The protest committee allows the protest to be withdrawn.

04. Protest 7 470 - Great Grand Master - ITA 17 - 19 470 - Open - BEL 12 - 29
Rules: 18.3 - 14 - 31 - 43.1(b) and (c)
BEL 12 is DSQ in Race 7
03. Protest and Request for Redress 7 470 - Juniores - ITA 28 - 36 470 - Apprentice - ITA 4478 - 11
Rules: Nessuna
Nessuna regola infranta.
Riparazione non concessa.
02. Protest 3 470 - FRA 32 - Mackay Mouse 470 - Slo6
Request Invalid
The PC did not find any valid reason for the protest being filed beyond the time limit. 
Protest is deemed invalid, hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

01. Protest 3 470 - Master - GER 48 - 48 470 - Grand Master - ITA 11 - 47
Rules: 10
ITA 11 is DSQ in Race 3