4a tappa Trofeo Optimist Italia Kinder joy of moving 2023

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
06. Request to Reopen 2 OPTIMIST - DIV_B - ITA 9389 Protest Committee
Heard With Protest(s): 05
Rules: RRS 66.1
L'udienza per il caso #2 non verrà riaperta.

05. Request to Reopen 2 Protest Committee Protest Committee
Heard With: 06
04. Protest 3 OPTIMIST - DIV_A - ITA 8753 OPTIMIST - DIV_A - ITA 7708
Rules: RRS 10, RRS 14
ITA 7708 è DSQ nella prova #3.

03. Protest 2 Optimist - A - Ita 9503 Optimist - Optimist - Ita 9765
Rules: RRS 63.1
Il comitato delle proteste consente il ritiro della protesta #3.

02. Protest 2 Optimist - Cadetti - ITA 8936 Optimist - Cadetti - ITA 9389
Rules: RRS 10, Caso WS 50
ITA 9389 è DSQ nella prova #2.

01. Request for Redress and 1 Optmist - Juniors - Coach Boat No 19 Race Committee - Gate Mark Boat
Request Invalid
Rules: RRS 60, RRS 63.5
The request for redress is invalid, the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5.