Semana do Atlantico: VIII Troféu Cidade de Viana do Castelo

Online Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
04. Protest 4 Optimist - A - 2761 Optimist - A - 2749
Protesto improcedente
03. Reopening by PC 2 Protest Committee Optimist - A - 2383
Rules: RRS 61.3 & SI15.3
Case 2 is an Invalid protest because it was launched beyond time limit with no valid reason - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

02. Protest 2 Optimist - A - Por 2383 Optimist - Esp 2449, 77, 3237, 2635, 2675, 1913, 1554, 284, 2677, 3052, 2623, 2960, 1307, 929, 2802, 3187, 1568, 2441, 2533, 2492
Request Invalid
01. Protest 2 2761 3067
Rules: RRV 10
ESP 3067 é DSQ na R2