XXXIII Campeonato de Portugal de Juniores e Absoluto

Official Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
12. Protest 8 ILCA 4 - 203291 ILCA4 - 181456
Protesto retirado pelos concorrentes
11. Protest 7 420 - 54350 420 - 56184
Protesto retirado pelos concorrentes
10. Protest 7 420 - 54350 420 - 56184
Protesto retirado pelos concorrentes
09. Protest 7 420 - 56184 420 - 54350
420 - 54638
420 - 55328
Protesto retirado pelos concorrentes
08. Request for Redress 6 Hansa 303 - 4 Organizational Authority
Heard With: 06
07. Request for Redress 6 Hansa 303 - 2847 Organizational Authority
Heard With: 06
06. Request for Redress 6 Hansa 303 - 2576 Organizational Authority
Heard With Protest(s): 07, 08
Pedido de reparação retirado pelos concorrentes
05. Request for Redress 5 420 - 56184 Race Committee
Rules: 62.1.a)
Reparação não concedida. 
04. Protest 4 Ilca 4 - 213560 Ilca 4 - 216501
Protesto autorizado a ser retirado
03. Protest 4 Hansa 303 - 3187 Hansa 303 - 2578
Request Invalid
Protesto invalido
02. Protest 4 Ilca 6 - 196636 Ilca 6 - 139367
Heard With: 01
01. Protest 4 ILCA - 6 - 213470 ILCA - 6 - ,196636
Heard With Protest(s): 02
Rules: 20.2c), 10 e 43.1a)
139367 é DSQ