VĂ­tr a slunce

Online Notice Board

Hearing Decisions

No. Type Race Initiator Respondent(s) Decision
08. Protest and Request for Redress 5 29er - CZE 12279 29er - GER 2939
The arbitrator allows the protest to be withdrawn.
07. Protest 6 29er - GER 2307 29er - HUN 2762
The arbitrator allows the protest to be withdrawn.
06. Protest 4 29er - HUN 2770 29er - CZE 787
Rules: T1(c) RRS
The arbitrator allows the protest to be withdrawn.
05. Protest by PC 5 Protest Committee 29er - GER 2419
Rules: RRS T1(c), RRS T4
The arbitrator allows the protest to be withdrawn.
04. Protest 1 29er - GER 2892 29er - GER 3160
Request Invalid
The Protest is Invalid - the hearing is closed under RRS 63.5

03. Protest 1 29er - GER 2801 29er - SVK 2363
Rules: RRS T1(c), RRS T4
The arbitrator allows the protest to be withdrawn.

02. Protest and Request for Redress 1 29er - GER 2818 29er - GER 2892
Rules: RRS 2, RRS 11, RRS 14, RRS 62.1(b)
  1. GER 2892 is disqualified from race 1 and this disqualification is not excludable.
  2. Redress is given to GER 2818 as average points from all races (except the race in question) from the first day of the regatta through the day before the last scheduled day of the regatta. The scores of other boats shall 
01. Request for Redress 1 Cadet - CZE 9774 Race Committee
Rules: RRS 32.2(a); RRS 62.1(a); RRS A9(c); RRS A6.2
Redress is given to CZE9774. CZE9774 is to be scored in position 1 for race 1.  
CZE9509 is to be scored in position 2 for race 1. No other boat's score shall change.