Forum: The Racing Rules of Sailing

Is this a bad thing?

Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
So this forum has been active for about a year now and I'm still getting a very mixed reaction to it.  There are obviously many who are indifferent.  And some who are enthusiastic.  But I also receive feedback that this is a bad thing.   The criticism seems to be that it provides a platform for dissemination of bad information. It has been recommended that I shut it down.

I can understand the argument that a person doesn't want to participate because they are in a position where their personal opinion could be confused with their role in World Sailing or their MNA.  And in fact think that's a very reasonalble conclusion. On the other hand, I believe there are officials who relish the trivial issues and resulting lengthy discussions which actually determine how many angels can dance on the head of pin.  I'll admit I don't read their comments, but understand their motivations.

But my motivation in providing this platform is pretty simple.  I believe that publishing ideas allows for review and criticism which educates us all.  Unless we do that, we're working in isolation.  And that applies to the new sailor who is just trying to figure out a complicated situation she saw on a beer can race, as well as to the most well respected judge, measurer or race officer.  If there is any pattern to the discussions, it seems like they are individuals who have an idea and are willing to accept criticism.  There are disagreements, but those have been handled in a respectful manner (mostly).  But there generally seems to be thoughtful discussions about the very nature of the rules and how they are applied that I've seen referenced at an event as recently as yesterday (mark room between boats in different races).  And I believe that is a confirmation of the value of this forum.

So, my question is, what do you believe is bad about this forum. And I ask in the most respectful manner.  I really am interested in determining if this is worthwhile.  If you don't want to respond in a public forum, please email your response to  Or if you know of someone who has an opinion who is not reading this forum, please forward this request to therm. I really am evaluating whether or not to continue this forum so would value your opinion.
Created: 17-Aug-13 12:31


Bruce Hebbert
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Umpire
It is alweays good to discuss the rules, and hear other views. This is not the Q and A panel and we all know that. Keep it going.
Created: 17-Aug-13 13:25
Angelo Guarino
Nationality: United States
Cutting to the chase - "Good Thing" by your options.  "One of the Best Things" if I could choose my own.

I've started 2 threads on this board and IMO both resulted in a respectful, thoughtful and in the end fruitful discussion of the issue .. in that it resulted in either a conclusion with meaningful references to the rules, cases or appeals, or resulted with a more refined and specific question that might have illuminated a hole in the rules/cases/appeals that needed to be resolved. 

Likewise, I've seen that on the other threads as well.

I guess I would ask, in the opinion of those who recommend you shutting it down, what "bad information" has been "disseminated"?

Without specific instances of the "harm" that is being alledged, it's hard to weigh the cons of having it.
Created: 17-Aug-13 13:34
William Grauer
Nationality: United States
I hope that you will keep this going, as long as the comments continue to be made in the gentlemanly fashion as they have been.  I like the different opinions and they stimulate me to be thinking more deeply about the issues.  And thank you for all the time you must be putting into this. 
Created: 17-Aug-13 14:02
Patrick McGough
Nationality: United States
I found your website only about two or three weeks ago when trying to find a reference to provide youth in BSA's Sea Scout program who have become quite enthusiastic about sailboat racing.  As they prepare for a qualifiying event in 2 months time that could put them in an international event next year, I think it is important to provide a resource that as I have seen so far is quite respectful and fair in the presentation of facts and references to the actual rules.

Being a technical guy, I know that the internet is riddled with lots of bad information and you must take everything that you read with a grain of salt, but this resource truly appears reputable and as long as there is reference to actual rules and not maccho opinions where someone lost, I think you should continue this great find!!!!!
Created: 17-Aug-13 14:13
Pat Healy
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
It's great. I know ir's a lot of work and energy. I hope it keeps you interested for a long time because it s a huge plus to us followers. I, and I think most other readers, learn as much from the posts that miss the rules logic or 'acceptable' interpretations as I do from the ones that ask a question because the wording is unclear. Pat Healy
Created: 17-Aug-13 14:26
Darryl Waskow
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • International Judge
  • Umpire In Training
  • Club Race Officer

I would ask is this a good thing, and I would say yes.  I don't comment often but I do read many of the posts and follow the discussions.  I enjoy reading the question posted, thinking through my answer, and then seeing where the discussion goes.  I find it helps me to revisit a well worn concept or think about something new.  The posts help me keep active in my rules knowledge and critical thinking between regattas.

We need more unofficial leaning opportunities, and right now we cede that niche to a number of commercial publishers.  While they often provide expert commentary officially their status is no different from you and I.  Commercial rules commentary online or in book form as far as I know are not approved by the Rules, Appeals or Q&A Committees.  I like and use the books and web sites I buy about the rules as an addition to the official publications and they too help me learn.

There are some online posts that are basic or go off on a tangent, but this is an unofficial discussion and part of learning.  I've worked with many competitors who don't know the rules well yet, and it can even be helpful to hear people's misconceptions. 

I think there is a place for all three methods of communication.  The official publications are definitive, dry, and slow in coming.  The commercials publications have made my learning curve faster by often going into in depth commentary, and the online sites allow for discussions that don't happen anywhere else. 

The Case Book and Q&As definitive.  I like Dave Perry's books, Dave Dellenbaug's newsletters, and the UK Sailmakers Rules Quiz for their discussions and perspective.  I also find it helpful to read online rules discussions like this web site and Jos Spijkeman's Look To Windward.  When learning about the rules I think they are all useful, and wish we had more to study.

If we only had one approved official resource, I think we’d learn less and not be as well informed.

Please keep up the good work.

Created: 17-Aug-13 14:56
Colonel Tony Singer
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • National Race Officer
Please continue.  
I've found the discussions interesting, educational, and helpful.
There is not such a thing as a stupid question.
Created: 17-Aug-13 14:57
Thierry Poirey
  • National Judge
  • International Umpire
+ 1 with all above comments which are well summarized by the first comment (Bruce Hebbert). Everybody knows where to find the official rules. Even if I don't comment, I read all posts. Thanks for your job !
It's always people who have afraid to be challenged who are the first to criticize...
Created: 17-Aug-13 15:16
Steve Schupak
Nationality: United States
  • National Umpire
  • International Judge
  • Club Race Officer
Keep it going,
Like everything on the web there's accurate info and crackpot commentary...
Those who see the value don't tend to speak up, however, it only takes one vocal dissenter to skew a disussion away from reality and into a ditch.
Don't drive into the ditch.
Created: 17-Aug-13 15:17
Phil Mostyn
Nationality: Australia
  • National Umpire
  • National Judge
Yea, I'm in the 'keep it going' court. Anythng that makes us think about the rules and other peoples reasoning must be good. Phil.
Created: 17-Aug-13 15:55
Jerry Kedziora
Nationality: United States
Please keep up the good work and stay on course. Don't take any "flyers".
I believe that seeing and reading these posts benefits new judges (a club judge like me) and its great to have the more experineced judges share their experinece and and comments on this forum.
Created: 17-Aug-13 16:15
David Pelling
Nationality: Canada
  • International Judge
  • International Umpire
Paul,  Please keep this forum going - great stimulation and a good learning tool.  No downside that I can see.
Created: 17-Aug-13 16:19
John Pratt
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • International Umpire
Paul, keep this going. The discussions are both interesting and stimulating.  As with anything else read on the 'net I alway read them with a healthy grain of salt. Keep up the good work.
Created: 17-Aug-13 16:37
Theodor Beier
  • National Judge
KEEP IT GOING  As stated, the comments are not "authoritative", as are the cases, but they are food for thought.  If treated as that, the discussions are valuable and informative. 
Created: 17-Aug-13 16:48
Robert Owens
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • National Judge
100% Keep it going. We should all be used to listening to other views, we may not always initially agree, but anything that makes us think about a new aspect of the rules, or a different perspective is good.
Created: 17-Aug-13 16:53
Ken Morrison
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • International Judge
Paul, keep it going. It has a few hiccups along the way, but overall it is good information and provides food for thought on a lot of issues that we do not always think of.
Created: 17-Aug-13 17:44
Geoff Amos
Nationality: New Zealand
Keep it going. There is no such thing as too much knowledge. and reasoned debate and discourse enhances that.
Created: 17-Aug-13 18:43
Dirk Van beek
Nationality: United Kingdom
I don't contribute to the threads but I enjoy reading the questions posed.  It's clear to me that the 'answers' are not authoritative. I can't see any downside to discussing the rules. Please keep going.
Created: 17-Aug-13 19:49
Danielle Lawson
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
Ditto, please keep it going.  This is a great way to get the experience of being on panels when that experience is hard to come by.
Created: 17-Aug-13 19:49
Loic Durand Raucher
Nationality: France
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Of course, I'm late to answer. I was busy on a jury task.
Hearing, then, eating!!
Whatever you do, so far as you do something, it's either not enough or too much, you should have done it in some other way, or not done it.
No worries. Discussing makes us better, open minded, accepting other's feelings.
It's life,we don't always agree, we sometimes disagree, why the hell is he saying that, did he ever look to the rules, well I never red the rules that way, may be I should...

So, Paul, keep going.
Looking forward to meeting you, sometimes, either here in Europe, or abroad.
Created: 17-Aug-13 21:17
Wayne Boberg
Nationality: New Zealand
  • International Judge
  • National Umpire
Keep it going. I would hazard a guess that those who would have you shut it down are close minded and unwilling to debate and discuss the interesting scenarios that develop in our sport. The rule scientists attempt to think of all possible situations when they draft, alter and change rules, and as we all know RRS 18 is still woefully short of an excellence pass.
Created: 17-Aug-13 21:38
Leo Reise
Nationality: Canada
  • International Judge
I understand the motive for the question. For a few years, I published a Judges Newsletter, distributed to judges in Canada and a number of judges in the US.  I often wondered whether it was being read.  Asking for a response on any particular question would yield less than a 5% response.

I did not discover this site until a few months ago - and like the eariler commnet- it was by accident. 

I mihgt have only commented once or twice, but I read each string as I receive notification.  Most of the question do pose a problem that is not commnon and takes some thought.

Should site remain active - I would vote yes.

Thanks for asking
Created: 17-Aug-13 22:20
Steve Shepstone
Nationality: United States
Keep it going.  I enjoy watching the process of people offering an answer, and others improving the answer.  The final results have generally been very good.  It's like having an appeals committee where everyone can participate in the answer.
Created: 17-Aug-14 02:44
Greg Dargavel
Nationality: Canada
  • National Judge
Respectful discussion..... and that's what it is, discussion, not difinitive rulings.... forms the basis of much 1 on 1 judge conversation. Your great site just opens up the number of participants. Keep it up....... and if the Trolls ever come here.... we can smother them with respectful discussion.
Created: 17-Aug-14 03:04
Graham Brown
Nationality: Australia
Keep this going - it is a pleasure to observe people discussing topics in a polite and respectful manner - always look forward to the next post and ensuing feedback. Great site and am always gaining insights into our seemingly "simple" rules.  
Created: 17-Aug-14 03:53
Bill Handley
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • National Judge
Discussion of the rules between those who really care for the sport must always be a good thing.
Created: 17-Aug-14 07:04
Luigi Bertini
Nationality: Italy
  • National Judge
  • International Judge
  • National Umpire
  • International Umpire
  • Regional Race Officer
Keep it going. It's not official and we know it but good to have different poit of view and to discuss it
Created: 17-Aug-14 08:55
Robin Gray
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Judge In Training
  • International Race Officer
  • National Race Officer
Absolutely - keep it going.  I read everything that comes up.  Every day is still a school day.  This is one of the more congenial forums - really appreciate that comments here are made in the gentlemanly (Am i still allowed to say that?) manner we expect from Race officials. Thanks.
Created: 17-Aug-14 09:04
Michael Butterfield
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Judge
  • International Umpire
  • International Race Officer
I look forward to every post, could use more. I find the topics of interest, and more importantly it gives me an insight into what competitors see as the priority in the rules (not always what I or the rules see as a priority).
To understand what is important to competitors is important to see why conflicts arrice and how to adjust rules training to focus on what matters.
Created: 17-Aug-14 11:54
Priscilla Gettis
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Umpire In Training
Please continue.  You've given the community a vitural roundtable discussion platform where everyone is welcomed. While I don't actively engage in discussions, reading the exchanges between some of the most prominent members and those who are new with fresh ideas is a wonderful way to gain insight and/or spur further personal investigation by reviewing the 'official' documents . As one of the silent members...thank you!
Created: 17-Aug-14 13:24
Angelo Guarino
  • Fleet Measurer
  • Regional Judge
So ..  I've already praised the virtues of the forum early on in this thread, I think it's AWESOME ..  but in the spirit of addressing Paul's specific question ..

" .. So, my question is, what do you believe is bad about this forum? .."

...  I'll offer the following.

I haven't seen anything "bad" about the forum.  The only thing I might comment on, which I could possibly see would ruffle some feathers has been the Board's general reaction to the Q&A's.  Most seem to have been met with at least some decent ... and I could understand how someone who is less familiar with the spirit of the Forum ...  might see that as undermining their authority and causing confusion.

Now, let me be clear, I don't agree with that take, as our discussions have been in the spirit of exploration of the ideas, but I can see how someone who was less familiar with the tenor here .. or lent the Forum some authority which it doesn't have ...  would see it differently.

That said, if I was part of the body which generated the Q&A, I would welcome the exploration and fine-tuning that might possibly happen with the debate, as it would be useful in vetting the wording and approach if the issue makes it up the chain into the rules or cases.
Created: 17-Aug-14 15:52
John Super
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • Regional Race Officer
The comments above sum it up very well. Keep it going. Remember, "non illigitmus carborundum".
Created: 17-Aug-14 17:36
Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
Yay: 49
Nay; 0

I'm flattered by the praise and thank you to all that have responded. 

So far the two main criticisms which have appeared more than once in emails or comments:

1. The name of the forum could imply it is an official World Sailing site. 
Fair enough. We can do better.  I will be adding labels to make sure there is no confusion.

2. There should be one final answer by an authorized official so that those asking a questiion or trying to understand a rule are not confused.
There are questions that will illicit a uniform response from all officials.  And there are some on this forum.  However, the questions usually are posted because there is no easy answer.  And for those left unsatisfied with any particular discussion, realize that even though the rules appear to be black and white, there are a lot of grey areas.  It is the case that the rules are interpreted differently by different officials.  And the goal of this forum, and the Rules section of the site, is to bridge some of that gap and provide a place where officials and competitors can better understand the issues and apply the rules in a more uniform fashion.  For competitors, it is a great resource for you to determine the risk of your tactics.  If you know that a particular issue is interpreted differently, that should make you consider whether the risk of being penalized is worth the reward you'll acheive - something match race tacticians know and use already.  But more importantly, the discussions and resulting thought process will teach you more about the black and white rules than a bare statement of whether or not a rule was broken.  This is a great comment by the way and I'm interested to hear from other members of the forum what they think about this concern.  I'm going to move this to a new post and look forward to your feedback.

Again, thanks for responding.  And because of the number of responses, I realize that this has moved from my preoccupation to this community's forum.  I'll continue to monitor for compliance with the guidelines (with some help of others), but it really has moved on to being a community for you.
Created: 17-Aug-14 18:15
Armando Goulartt
Nationality: Portugal
  • International Judge
  • International Umpire
  • International Race Officer
  • International Technical Delegate
Please keep it going.
It is very usefull to hear other views and interesting discussions on the RRS
I suggest to add a sub-title on the blog name: NOT OFFICIAL
Created: 17-Aug-14 18:16
Sue Reilly
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Race Officer
  • Regional Judge
  • National Umpire
Very happy so see there are no Nays.  Anything that gets a discussion and helps to educate and clarify is a win-win to me.
Created: 17-Aug-14 18:30
Eric Johnson
Nationality: United States
  • Regional Judge
  • National Umpire
  • Fleet Measurer
  • Club Race Officer
This is great and it presents a number of viewpoints on conditions that arise in the real world that don't always make it to the Case Book, Appeals or the Call Books.  
I disagree that there should be one final answer to the questions posed.  That is what Appeals Committees and the Rapid Response Teams are for.  A lot of the items that come up are good basic, understanding the rules questions that the further up the food chain understand and know where to find the answer.  This forum reminds me of the old (yeah I am old) Compuserve forum that we had in ancient history of dial up to discuss the rules and what is meant and/or intended.  This forum allows us all to discuss issues at all levels, and as Sue pointed out, any discussion that educates or gets people thinking is a win for us all.
Thank you for providing this platform.
Created: 17-Aug-15 01:14
Phil Mostyn
Nationality: Australia
  • National Umpire
  • National Judge
I'd like to support Eric's comment that there should NOT be one final answer to the questions posed.

I can well imagine the chagrin that must have been felt at WS when first this website appeared and then again as it became a fixture and then so popular. Perhaps it should have been a WS inititive, but I'm inclined to think, indeed I'm certain that its greatest virtue is that it isn't an official site.

Created: 17-Aug-15 02:59
Kim Kymlicka
Nationality: United States
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
This Forum is great and unless it is a burden on you Paul, please keep it going.
Besides this Forum, the regatta protest managment tool is very good and I hope more and more regattas will start using it.

Created: 17-Aug-15 06:10
Loic Durand Raucher
Nationality: France
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Could you give the link to the protest tool management?
Created: 17-Aug-15 08:34
Loic Durand Raucher
Nationality: France
  • National Judge
  • National Umpire
Could you give me the link to the protest management tool?
Created: 17-Aug-15 08:36
Angelo Guarino
  • Fleet Measurer
  • Regional Judge
Compuserve.... ha... I can hear my 48k modem with "turbo-boost" connecting now!

i agree with above sentiments, no "official final conclusion" here, as that should help to maintain and support the forum unofficial status. 

Created: 17-Aug-15 11:59
Steve Shepstone
Nationality: United States
I don't think you'll get a final answer from an authorized official.  Appeals committee members don't always agree on the answer to a question.  Most often, the decisions are uanimous, but sometimes it's a 3-2 vote.  Knowing that, you shouldn't be able to find an official who will say, "The correct answer is ..."  There are a number of appeals committee members, judges, and umpires who have commented on this thread.  I don't recall any of them commenting on a specific rules question, probably because they don't want anyone to think that their personal answer is the final answer.  The sailors are doing a fine job on their own.  There isn't a need for an approved answer.
Created: 17-Aug-15 14:08
Bruce Hebbert
Nationality: United Kingdom
  • International Umpire
As this is"unofficial" there will never be an "official" answer. Probably once we have 4 or 5 contributions and misconceptions are put aside the "nearly official" answer will be there. 
Created: 17-Aug-15 14:54
Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
  • National Judge


Go to the Toolbox on the main menu above.  Then select My Events.

Here’s a the help link.

Created: 17-Aug-15 15:14
William Grauer
Nationality: United States
The 'Toolbox' link does not work for me.

Created: 17-Aug-15 16:20
Paul Zupan
Nationality: United States
  • International Judge
  • National Judge
In order to have access to the Toolbox, you need to indicate that you are both a Race Official and have some certification (even if it is Judge in Training).  Sign in, click on your email in the upper right corner, then select Profile.  Make sure that you select Official in the first row, and then select a certification (or certifications) at the bottom, and click Submit.  You will then be able to see Toolbox on the main menu.
Created: 17-Aug-15 17:02
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